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In the Lucasfilm Disney+ series Ahsoka, some changes were made to the character of Ezra Bridger during his recent debut. Fans had been eagerly anticipating the appearance of Eman Esfandi’s Ezra since the start of the show. Finally, in the sixth episode, he made a brief appearance. However, it was in episode seven that viewers got a proper look at the updated version of Ezra. It is clear that he is no longer the same optimistic Jedi he was at the end of Star Wars Rebels.
The Significant Alterations to Ezra Bridger in 'Ahsoka'
His Physical Appearance
It is clear that Ezra Bridger has undergone a significant physical transformation after his prolonged isolation on Peridea. In his previous appearance on Star Wars Rebels, he sported a buzz cut, but now his hair is unkempt and his beard untamed. Furthermore, he appears noticeably older, contributing to his strikingly altered appearance. Additionally, his original outfit has been replaced with a more makeshift ensemble.
Attitude Toward the Force
Ezra Bridger possesses a remarkable connection to the force, which enabled him to travel to another galaxy. However, his attitude towards the force has transformed during his stay in Peridea. He now wholeheartedly embraces it, considering it as his ally. Not only has he become more serene, but he has also developed new skills, like the impressive force kung-fu. It’s worth noting that he appears reluctant to use a lightsaber, which suggests he might create a new one for his forthcoming ventures.
BONUS: Learned a New Language
Ezra has expanded his language skills by learning Noti, the language of the native people of Peridea. It is unknown how long he stayed with the Noti people after separating from Thrawn, but they have formed a strong alliance over time. Previously, Ezra only spoke basic.
Ezra Isn't the Only One Who Changed
It seems that both Ezra Bridger and Thrawn, portrayed by Lars Mikkelsen, have undergone significant changes during their time in exile. Thrawn, in particular, may have become even more dangerous than before. It’s unclear what exactly happened when the two arrived on Peridea. Did they work together for a while or did Ezra break away from Thrawn early on? Hopefully, the Ahsoka series finale will shed some light on the situation.
Check out Ahsoka now streaming on Disney+.